Wholesale Premium Traffic


wholesalepremiumtraffic.com case study review

This is another solo ad service selling clicks. I purchased the 200 tier 1 click package for $58.  Clicks looked good except for the 50% real traffic. That means only half the visitors were on the page for more than 1 second. All visitors were tier 1. The mobile traffic was 79%. I’m not a fan of mobile traffic but it is what it is nowadays. I feel people are too distracted when they’re on their phones. Opt-ins were fair at 21%. Verified emails were not bad at 50%. 8 prospects did sign up for the tour so that was good to see. No sales so another loss of investment. I contacted each prospect from my personal email and not one of them responded back. Clicks were delivered in 6 days.

The landing page that was tested:

Million Member Movement

Traffic Stats:   Total = 231   Unique = 201   Real = 111   Opt-ins = 43   21%

Opt-ins that verified their email = 50%

Registered Tour Takers = 8  $7.25 each.    Upgraded Members = 0

About $1.34 per opt-in.

Rating = ⭐⭐⭐